© Merry L. Morris
Introduction to writing simple macros
Writing OCLC Connexion Client Macros
OCLC Connexion Client Macro Mini-tutorial (Some of) My OCLC Connexion Client Mini-macros
Writing Microsoft Excel Macros
Excel macro mini-tutorial
Excel Macros Simplified
(Some of) My Excel Mini-macros

Writing Macros
the simple way!

I first started writing macros for Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel a few years ago. Like most people, I tried to teach myself the art of writing macros by studying online tutorials, by copying and analyzing free sample macros, and by referring to the software Help files.

It wasn't long before I noticed something that surprised me. Most macros shown as examples in tutorials and/or offered free online were needlessly long and complex. I rarely found a sample macro that I couldn't remove many lines from and still have it serve its intended purpose. As I learned more about macro writing, I discovered ways to further simplify many macros by replacing needlessly complex syntax with wonderfully simple syntax.

The intended audience for this website is everyone who wants to write macros but doesn't want to learn even the basics. In other words, this website is for everyone who wants to take the "tediosity" out of boring, repetitive computer tasks, but does not have the time or the desire to learn macro language.

However, even macro-writing experts can benefit from simplifying their thinking. Macros don't have to boggle your mind to be useful. Just because you know how to write a hundred-line macro using advanced macro language does not mean you have to!

Simple macros can instruct your computer to make your software do exactly what it should do: make performing complex operations easy. Whether you are writing macros for Microsoft Office applications, Paint Shop Pro, OCLC Connexion Client, or any other application, my advice is to always write macros that tell the software to do only what you need it to do and nothing more.

Please contact me if you have any comments or questions.